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Michael Isaacs was on the Dr. Oz Show back in 2015 for the national NurseSearch. After seeing himself on TV, he realized it was time to take the steps towards a healthier lifestyle. In 2016 Michael had a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy performed by Dr. Buchin lost and 177 lbs! With continued support and guidance from Dr. Buchin and maintaining a consistent gym routine, the weight fell off over an 8-month period. Now his life is all about a routine and sticking to it.

Michael’s favorite tool to use in the kitchen is his slow cooker. “I have thrown just about everything in there and it all comes out perfectly. It really helps with meal prep since my portions are so small, 1 batch in the cooker makes at least a weeks’ worth of meals.”


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In June 2012 I had a laparoscopic band removal and revision to the Gastric Sleeve by Dr. Buchin. The Sleeve has proven to be an effective tool for me. I can finally eat dense protein and stay satisfied like I’ve always wanted! This is the ONLY thing that has worked for me and I could not have accomplished so much without this tool. I had to make drastic changes such as eliminating carbohydrates, sodas, and junk food from my diet. I concentrate on eating a lot of protein such as chicken, fish, eggs, etc. The Premiere protein shake from Costco is great! I exercise and do a lot of strength training to stay in shape. It is a tough journey and I slip up however I could not have done this without the continued support from Dr. Buchin. He truly inspires me to continue to push even when I’ve experienced a slight weight gain. I love every minute of my journey and will continue to put an end to obesity.






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