2022: Long Islanders Voted Dr. David Buchin M.D., FACS, FASMBS – Long Island Obesity Surgery Best Bariatric Practice on Long Island!
Dr. David Buchin is the founder of LI Obesity Surgery and is the director of bariatric surgery at Huntington Hospital. A board-certified general surgeon, Dr.

Long Islanders Doing their Part to help Ukrainians with Dr. Buchin
Dr. Buchin campaign has got an excellent support from the Long Islanders. They have been donating everything from medical supplies and non-perishable goods. If you

How You Can help People in Ukraine.
How You Can Help People in Ukraine Are you looking to help Ukrainians against the Russian attack? Dr. Buchin has started the initiative to help

Long Island’s own Dr. David Buchin featured on News 12
In total, nine volunteer firefighters from the firehouse lost a total of 1,200 pounds, the approximate weight of four full-size refrigerators. They all underwent

Long Island-Ukraine Emergency Response Drive
Long Island-Ukraine Emergency Response Drive Dr. Buchin and Tom Suozzi (Member of Congress) have teamed up with Serge Skylarenko (Member of Ukrainian Congress Committee of

Dr. Buchin Helps Lead a Supply Collection in Huntington
Dr. Buchin Helps Lead a Supply Collection in Huntington Dr. David Buchin revisits a time, not too long ago when he and his family were

Hospitals struggling to keep up with demand amid staffing shortages, rapid spread of omicron
Dr. David Buchin, the director of bariatric surgery at Huntington Hospital, argues the slowdown of elective surgeries coupled with more overtime pay for staff ‘puts

NEW YORK POST Interviews Dr. Buchin On His Thoughts On A New Study: Children’s BMI ‘Doubled’ During Pandemic, Shocking Study Says
In the wake of the pandemic, a generation of American kids will be faced with a higher risk of poor health in adulthood. More than

NEW YORK POST Interviews Dr. Buchin On His Thoughts On A New Study: Effects Of Age On Metabolism
A revelatory new study has determined that metabolism, long thought by most of humankind to decline progressively during adulthood, is actually stabilized between the ages

CBS, Fox DC and PIX11 Interviews Dr. Buchin on His Thoughts on the Covid-19 Vaccine
CBS, Fox DC and PIX11 interviewed Dr. Buchin on his thoughts on the

Shadowbox with ‘The Biggest Loser’ trainer, Cara Castronuova
Join NBC’s ‘The Biggest Loser’ trainer, Cara Castronuova, and LI Obesity Surgery’s

Healthy Food Tip!
Healthy food tip: Tired of store-bought hummus? Make your own, it’s easier

The Importance of Protein
Your body needs additional protein during the period of rapid weight loss to maintain

Weight Loss Surgery Adds Years to Your Life
Evidence shows that weight loss surgery can add years to your life. The damage has NOT been done. Read more about why you should not

Double Danger
Double Danger-If you need a lifesaving reason to lose weight, the novel coronavirus provides it, according to this article in Newsday:Https://Paper.Newsday.Com/Html5/Reader/Production/Default.Aspx?Edid=9c41c103-628b-4f92-Afe1-Dc00efc3e0d1&Pnum=1